The founders of Quirky30, Sihle Tshabalala, and Mzimkulu, are remarkable human beings and truly inspiring speakers. Their life stories are exceptional. Both, born into a life of poverty in the township of Langa, Cape Town both Sihle and Mzi pursued a life of crime and gangsterism leading to their respective terms of imprisonment for armed robbery. Through sheer dedication and passion, they transformed their lives by founding and managing an organization called Quirky30. Quirky30 offers a way out of the cycle of poverty, youth unemployment, and crime. By identifying talent and building core technical skills and confidence, Quirky30 provides South Africa with a much-needed skilled workforce in the IT/Technology field. Their programs support their belief that aspirational technology jobs and entrepreneurship opportunities are the only scalable way to compete with poverty and the lure of crime.

Their goal is to provide digital literacy skills to unemployed township youth, learners, ex-offenders, and current offenders to facilitate a career in technology.


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A feel good project with a do good mission

The Heart of Cape Town, an initiative led by Uthando (Love) South Africa, passionately champions a profound message of Peace, Kindness and Love worldwide, whilst illuminating the truly inspiring and innovative work of South African community development projects and activists.

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