Uthando (Love) South Africa is proud to work with and support a fantastic collection of independent, well-managed, innovative and inspiring community development projects and charitable organizations and social entrepreneurs across a broad spectrum of sectors including the following:

  • Abused women and children / domestic violence
  • Agriculture and food gardens
  • Animal welfare
  • Human development through arts/culture and sport
  • Children and Educare
  • Disabilities
  • Drug and alcohol abuse
  • Education
  • Elderly and aging
  • Environmental and green
  • Farmworkers and rural development
  • HIV / AIDS
  • Housing / Shelter
  • Nutrition
  • Population health
  • Prisoner rehabilitation
  • Reconciliation and human rights development
  • Refugees and migrants
  • Skills development and empowerment
  • Sustainable economic development
  • Unemployment

The criterion for consideration as a grantee project:

  • Grantees must be community based.
  • Grantees must be registered Non-Profit Organizations (NPO) with the South African Department of Social Development.
  • Grantees must be prepared to submit needs analyses to Uthando and provide satisfactory reports on expenditure including Annual Reports and Annual Financial Statements.
  • Grantees must satisfy Uthando that benefits to the community are clearly defined and activities are tangible and evident.
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Uthando (love) South Africa Projects

Community and development projects we work with and support.


Lathitha Tech Training

Lathitha Training Centre is a startup initiative located in Khayelitsha, Cape Town. Lathitha is dedicated to empowering disadvantaged youth by bridging the digital divide and fostering a new generation of skilled tech professionals.


Learn to Earn (LTE)

Learn to Earn (LTE) is a skills development and job creation non-profit organization founded in 1989. The initiative develops social and economic skills, and emotional and spiritual awareness for unemployed individuals, within the communities of Khayelitsha and Hermanus. In an act to eradicate unemployment, LTE restores hope, dignity, and self-respect of unemployed people through [...]


Major Voices Choir

Major Voices is a youth choir established in 2012 in a school music classroom in Khayelitsha, by four inspiring young men. They had the vision to use music to empower and motivate their community against crime, unemployment, and drugs. Growing up in a challenging, underprivileged environment and endured hardships and struggles themselves, the four [...]


Masibulele “We Give Thanks” Educare

Masibulele, which means "We Give Thanks" in isiXhosa, is an early childhood development center founded in 1995 by Thandi Xaba, for the children of the Khayelitsha community. Responding to the burgeoning demand for daycare centers and early childhood education in her area, Thandi started Masibulele Educare. She utilized a plot of informal structures as [...]


Mdzananda “Distemper” Animal Clinic

Mdzananda Animal Clinic is a permanent, non-profit organization based in Khayelitsha that provides companionship and care for the animals of its community. Mdzananda, meaning "Distemper" in isiXhosa is a registered clinic caring for over 1000 animals per month, through consultations, hospitalization, surgery, and mobile clinics for sick and injured pets - primarily dogs and [...]


Moya we Khaya “Spirit Of Home”

Christina Kaba, Abalimi's farming movement leader, founded Moya we Khaya meaning "Spirit Of Home" in isiXhosa, in 2014. One hectare in size, it is situated next to the Manyanani Peace Park in Khayelitsha, the first-ever community park established in the townships of Cape Town in 1995, also led by Mama Christina Kaba. Moya comprises [...]


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